Letter From the President


Joining a sorority was not something that I expected out of my college experience, but it turned out to be one of the greatest choices I made at Knox. I heard great things about people who joined sorority life at Knox, so I took the step to sign up for Formal Recruitment in the Winter of my first year. I instantly felt at home in the Delta Lodge, and I saw myself learning and growing with this group of people over the next four years. 

I've made some incredible connections within my time in Delta, and been able to experience so many leadership positions. I got to grow my interpersonal skills as Director of Recruitment Events, build diversity, equity, and inclusion as Vice President of Community Relations, and now I get to lead my whole chapter into our new goals as Collegiate Chapter President.

I would be happy to talk to anybody about what sorority life at Knox is like, and share more about my experience with you! Any questions and comments are welcome, and you can feel free to reach me through email here: ajanderson@knox.edu

With love, Addison Anderson (she/her)